The African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs- ACEPA is committed to supporting national and sub-national Legislatures and representative assemblies across the continent to become more effective.

It serves as a Centre of Excellence for improving practices, policies, and procedures for more democracy and governance on the African continent, and beyond. Working with Parliamentarians, Parliamentary Staff, Civil Society Organizations, and all stakeholders including citizens interested in promoting good governance.

ACEPA supports work to advance people’s rights Evidence Informed Policy Making and Sustainable Development Goals, Parliamentary Reform, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion, Transparency and Accountability, and Human Rights (Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) Issues.

ACEPA is not affiliated with any regional agency, international agency, or government. It is an autonomous institution set up by Dr. Rasheed Draman, headquartered in Ghana with teams working in Togo and Kenya

No. ACEPA is a non-governmental (Not-for-Profit) organization. It is not involved in giving grants. It is not a grant-making institution

Over the years, ACEPA has worked with and built mutually beneficial relationships with a variety of donors and development partners who believe in ACEPA’s Mission and Vision for Parliaments, Representative Assemblies,  CSOs, and citizens across Africa and beyond. Meet our Partners.

ACEPA works with parliaments, representative assemblies, and civil society across Africa, currently implementing projects in Ghana, Kenya, Togo, Malawi, The Gambia, and Sierra Leone. In the past, we have worked in Botswana, Burkina Faso, The Gambia, and Sierra Leone, to mention a few.

Yes, we value partnerships and collaborations across the globe and have over the years worked on projects with organizations like Parliamentary Centre,  Ghana Statistical Service (GSS), INASP, and OTT Consulting among others.

All our publications can be found on our website at

ACEPA works with parliaments and representative assemblies across Africa and is dedicated to building the capacity of African Parliaments, elected representatives’ bodies at all levels of governance, and Civil Society Organizations.

Visit our contacts page on our website to discuss partnerships once it is within these areas.

We are sorry for any inconvenience, but we keep updating During the transition, some pages will be swapped out for new ones. Please try using our search and if you still cannot find what you’re looking for, please come back later.

ACEPA is excited to have new minds and people on board. If you are interested in interning or volunteering with us, please contact us. See contact details.

We work from Mondays to Fridays from 08:30 GMT to 17:00 GMT. On public holidays, our office is closed.