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Our new case study series explores how the Data for Accountability Project has engaged with and responded to critical elements of Ghana’s governance and political economy context during its implementation period.

The link to the publication is here:

As part of advocating the passage of the Affirmative Action Bill, ACEPA shares important information about the bill to dispel misinformation.

#acepa #AAB #affirmativeactionbill #DONTBEMISINFORMED

The Speaker of Parliament presides over parliamentary sessions, maintaining order and ensuring fair debate among members. He/she plays a crucial role in facilitating discussions and upholding the rules of the house.

#acepa #WordOfTheDay #speakerofparliament

📷 Big Announcement! 📷

Are you passionate about Evidence-Informed Decision Making (EIDM)? Join us in celebrating Africa Evidence Week (AfEW) in Ghana!

📷📷 Register now and join the conversation:

#AfricaEvidenceWeek #AfEWGhana #EIDM #DecisionMaking

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