ACEPA Reviews Gender – Responsive Lawmaking Handbook

The African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA) under the auspices of the Inclusive Legislatures for Gender-Responsive Policies (ILGRP) project, held a stakeholder forum in Accra, on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, to examine a drafted Gender-Responsive Lawmaking handbook. The forum brought together the Parliamentary Staff of Ghana and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). Addressing the gathering, Ms. Sheila Minkah-Premo, […]

Parliamentary Staff, CSOs Get Citizen Engagement Training.

Participants and facilitators in a group photograph THE AFRICAN Centre for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA), in collaboration with the Parliamentary Centre, Canada, has organized a training for parliamentary staff and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) on modules and tools for citizen engagement on national issues. The two-day event, held in Accra, covered topics such as, ‘Building a common understanding[…]

Fix the cracks or face the consequences – ACEPA boss to NPP

The Executive Director for African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA), Dr. Rasheed Draman says the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) will have a tough time in the 2024 elections if the cracks in the party are addressed urgently.  This follows the resignation by the Majority leader and Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu and per reports the[…]

It’s surprising NPP failed to learn from Minority’s leadership change – ACEPA

The Executive Director of the Africa Center for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA), Dr. Rasheed Draman, has criticized the leadership of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) for failing to consult the Majority Caucus before disclosing plans to reshuffle its leadership. There were reports that Deputy Majority Leader, Alexander Afenyo-Markin had been tipped to replace Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu as Majority Leader,[…]

Journalists Undergo Gender Equality Training

The African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA) and the African Parliamentary Press Network (APPN) has organised a gender equality training for the parliamentary press corps. The event was held under the auspices of the Global Affairs Canada-funded Inclusive Legislatures for Gender Responsive Policies (ILGRP), implemented in partnership with the Parliamentary Centre for Canada. National Parliamentary Advisor and[…]

ACEPA Director condemns vote-buying in NPP primaries

The Executive Director of the African Center for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA), Dr. Rasheed Draman, has bemoaned prevalence of vote-buying in the just ended parliamentary primaries of the New Patriotic Party (NPP). He said these inducements have led to the exit of capable legislators in Parliament which potentially hinder the functioning of the parliamentary process. In an interview[…]

ACEPA Director condemns vote-buying in NPP primaries

Dr. Rasheed Draman, the Executive Director of the African Center for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA), has voiced profound disappointment regarding the prevalence of vote-buying observed during the just-ended New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) parliamentary primaries. He emphasized that these incentives have resulted in the departure of proficient legislators, potentially impeding parliamentary proceedings. In an interview with Citi News, Dr.[…]

Delegation Led by the ACEPA visits NCCE

The National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) hosted a ten-member (10) delegation from the Parliamentary Caucus from Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Malawi as well as Faith Leaders on Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) under the auspices of the African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA). The meeting was held in the upper conference room of the[…]

ACEPA commends Parliament for revising Standing Orders

The Executive Director of the African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA), Dr Rasheed Draman, has commended the Leadership of Parliament for revising the Standing Orders of the House. This follows Parliament on Thursday, made some raft changes to its existing Standing Orders to fit modern trends. Changes were made, such as having the Appointments Committee of Parliament[…]