Overview The Project sought to use an innovative approach to monitoring the effectiveness of the Parliament of Ghana’s lawmaking functions by stimulating debate on existing pieces of legislation with a view to filling the gaps and/or influencing their amendments. The project focused on tracking and monitoring legislation to determine the extent to which laws have been successfully […]
Overview The project aimed at strengthening systems of oversight within East African parliaments, particularly at the level of the portfolio committees. The goal was to have portfolio committees engage more meaningfully on issues within sectors they are responsible for, enhance the effectiveness with which they interrogate departmental reports, and use evidence to back their oversight work. The[…]
Overview The project is an extension on work done by the VakaYiko Consortium (2013-2017). The DFID funded Building Capacities to Use Research Evidence (BCURE) project which was implemented by the Vaka Yiko consortium supported public institutions in low and middle-income countries to develop skills, knowledge and systems to improve the use of evidence in decision making. As[…]
Overview Comprehensive data for monitoring the progress of the Sustainable Development Goals’ (SDGs) implementation is crucial to enable parliaments to perform their oversight and accountability role effectively and ensure no part of the country is left behind. The Data for Accountability Project (DAP), led by the African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs, in partnership with the Ghana Statistical[…]