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Vacancy Announcements

TDR- Consultant in Togo

The African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA) is seeking a consultant in Togo for our Inclusive Legislatures for Gender Responsive Policies (ILGRP) project to analyze and share with African parliaments and donors the experiences of parliamentary engagement with CSOs/SWGs on gender equality issues and develop models and tools for this engagement. Refer to the Terms of Reference […]

Vacancy Announcements

TDR- Consultant for Togo ILGRP Team

The African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA) is seeking a consultant for our Inclusive Legislatures for Gender Responsive Policies (ILGRP) Project team in Togo. The consultant is expected to ensure the facilitation of innovative and/or improved approaches to CSO and women’s rights groups in the parliamentary oversight process. Also, ensure that women’s rights groups and CSO contributions[…]