Supporting parliaments on the continent and beyond
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ILGRP Facilitates a Consultative Process to Develop Gender Equality Strategic Priorities with the Secretariat of the Kenya Women Parliamentary Association (KEWOPA), Led by the CEO and CRAWN Trust

The Inclusive Legislatures for Gender Responsive Policies (ILGRP) project in Kenya implemented by the Parliamentary Center and African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA) convened a consultative process to formulate gender equality strategic priorities with the Kenya Women Parliamentary Association [KEWOPA] secretariat led by the CEO and CRAWN Trust. The workshop[…]


Senior Governance Advisor, Mr. Issifu Lampo, participates in a panel discussion on Evidence Use for Policymaking

Development Impact West Africa (DIWA) organized a workshop focused on the use of evidence in policymaking in West Africa. Mr. Issifu Lampo, our Senior Governance Advisor representing the African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA), attended the event and participated in a panel discussion alongside distinguished panelists from the National Development[…]

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