Support to the West African Association of Public Accounts Committees (WAAPAC)


This initiative was started through a partnership with the World Bank which led to the formation of the West African Association of Public Accounts Committees (WAAPAC). WAAPAC was born out of the realization that with a common platform for knowledge exchange and peer learning, Public Accounts Committees (PACs) would be able to build and enhance their capacities to effectively perform their oversight roles.  Presently, ACEPA hosts the secretariat of WAAPAC with the Executive Director serving as the Executive Secretary for the association. Apart working to improve the effectiveness of PACs, work with WAAPAC also aims to enhance the capacity of staff of Finance and Public Accounts Committees to provide the necessary technical support to MPs.  


We provide technical and other forms of support for WAAPAC activities. Some of the activities include capacity building engagements, annual conferences, general assemblies, activities of the executive committee and activities of the WAAPAC Community of Clerks.


A community of Finance and PAC clerks has been developed and has aided peer learning and sharing of experience across different jurisdictions, and this has had a positive impact on the performance of the Clerks. 

The Association and its activities have also provided a platform for MPs to learn about there oversight roles and improve upon their performance. WAAPAC has served to build the capacity of a number of first-time MPs who find themselves on PACs. 


  • West African Parliaments with membership status
  • World Bank
  • GIZ

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