Development of a Course on Wetlands Goods and Services for Parliamentarians and Parliamentary Staff


Despite the efforts of the Ramsar Convention to sensitize all stakeholders for the wise use of wetlands within the framework of the sustainable development, some key stakeholders seem far from the implementation of the Ramsar COP resolutions at the national level. This is the case of parliamentarians and parliamentary staff who are responsible for monitoring the government actions that includes monitoring the implementation of international agreements signed by the government.

The aim of the project was to develop practical, easy-to-understand training modules, to respond to the need for informed cross-sectoral decision making to promote wetland wise use as a tool for sustainable development. The modules were designed to help legislators and policy makers translate scientific knowledge into simple language and positive actions.  It was also to help in mainstreaming wetland wise use principles into development planning and ensure better prioritization and allocation of funds for the protection of wetlands and their resources.


A ten-module manual was developed through consultations with key actors at the RAMSAR headquarters and review of relevant materials.


A training resource for parliamentarians and parliamentary staff on effective implementation of the RAMSAR convention and management of RAMSAR sites.


  • RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands
  • Swiss Grant for Africa

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