DAP is assisting the Parliament of Ghana’s Committee of Education in conducting oversight using the Community Score Card.

As part of our Data for Accountability Project (DAP), we are supporting the Committee of Education of the Parliament of Ghana to conduct oversight of education service delivery in the Fanteakwa North District of Ghana using the Community Score Card. The two-day exercise was aimed at getting evidence and data from citizens to feed into the work of the Committee, which has oversight responsibility over the education sector.

The Committee, led by the Chairperson, Hon. Kwabena A. Asiamah, engaged officers of the District Assembly including the District Chief Executive and officers of the District Education Office to generate the Service Provider Score Card. The Committee also engaged citizens in Ahomahomasu, where discussions centered on citizens’ experience around education service provision, culminating in the generation of community scored cards around some key indicators.

The Committee, together with Service Providers and citizens met to discuss findings from the interactions from the community to come up with an action plan for reforms. It is expected that some of the remedial actions proposed will be championed by local authorities with support from the community. The Committee on Education will also use the data and evidence for its oversight role relating to the education sector in Ghana.

The Data for Accountability project is implemented in partnership with Ghana Statistical Service and On Think Tanks, with funding from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

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