Capacity Building for the Pan African Parliament in Results Based Management


The focus of this project was to provide a series of training for MPs and Staff of the Pan Africa Parliament (PAP) in Results Based Management. This was to enable the institution demonstrate results through the adoption of better management practices. The adoption of Results-Based Management practices by PAP was to provide the framework to set targets and adopt the requisite methodology to measure results, thereby ensuring internal accountability and proper use of resources. It was also to ensure that PAP’s activities/programs are linked to specific results.


Five Results Based Management (RBM) trainings were held for MPs and Staff of the PAP in 2016 and 2018. The trainings focused on the different components of RBM such as the Results Chain, Logical Framework, developing indicators and reporting. MPs and staff went through exercises to develop Parliament/PAP specific indicators around PAP’s operational plan and other initiatives.  

An RBM guide was also developed to serve as a reference material for MPs and Staff.


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Pan African Parliament

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