ACEPA Reviews Gender – Responsive Lawmaking Handbook

The African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA) under the auspices of the Inclusive Legislatures for Gender-Responsive Policies (ILGRP) project, held a stakeholder forum in Accra, on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, to examine a drafted Gender-Responsive Lawmaking handbook. The forum brought together the Parliamentary Staff of Ghana and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).

Addressing the gathering, Ms. Sheila Minkah-Premo, the Consultant on the ILGRP Project, stated that the Gender-Responsive Lawmaking handbook, when finalised, would serve as a useful reference material for MPs and staff as Parliament revises existing laws, and  enacts new laws that promote the rights of citizens especially women and girls. The handbook contains details on international obligations and initiatives, sources of Ghana’s laws, formal lawmaking processes, the role of parliamentary leadership, MPs and the Parliamentary Service.

Ms. Minkah-Premo highlighted how the guide can aid the deliberation, amendment, and enactment of inclusive, gender-responsive laws, aiming to enhance the capacity of both male and female parliamentarians in legislative analysis and debate.

“The handbook aims to assist parliamentary staff in Ghana to effectively assist Members of Parliament with the necessary knowledge and skills on gender analyses in the lawmaking process,” she said.

Ms. Minkah-Premo further noted that the absence of a system supporting parliamentarians and parliamentary staff in ensuring the passage of gender-responsive laws, has led to the enactment of laws that inadvertently discriminate against women, especially young women, hence, the urgency to review and launch the handbook for usage.

The National Parliamentary Advisor and Team Manager, ILGRP, Dr. Gifty Adika, mentioned that the 46-page handbook, currently under review, is expected to be a valuable resource for Members of Parliament and parliamentary staff. Both the participants from the Parliamentary Service and the representatives from CSOs actively contributed to the review process, reflecting a collaborative effort towards fostering gender-responsive governance.

The Inclusive Legislatures for Gender Responsive-Policies (ILGRP) project is funded by Global Affairs, Canada, and implemented by ACEPA in partnership with the Parliamentary Centre.


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