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Proxy comes from a contracted form of the Middle English word procuracie (meaning “procuration”). A proxy may refer to a person who is authorized to act for another or it may designate the function or authority of serving in another’s stead.

#acepa #wordoftheday #proxyvote

UN Women reports that women represent 35.5% of elected members in local deliberative bodies across 141 countries. Notably, only three nations have achieved gender parity, while 22 others boast over 40% representation.
#acepa #FactFriday #womeninlocalgovernance

Our Project and Finance Officers, Ibrahim Inusah and Emmanuel Benchie respectively, are at the orientation session by @STARGhana and @wacsi as part of the Civil Society Strengthening Fund (CSSF).

#acepa #starghana #wacsi

The Clerk to Parliament's role is of great importance as they are responsible for ensuring that session minutes are accurately recorded and that all procedural rules are followed meticulously, thus contributing to maintaining the integrity and order of parliamentary proceedings.

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