Ibrahim Maida Inusah
He has extensive knowledge in organizing networks and has developed and implemented network projects and programmes through the use of ICT as a tool for development. He has coordinated a vibrant ICT4D network by organizing forums, workshops, seminars, and capacity building.
He has facilitated and coordinated various ICT projects and programmes for international organizations such as International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD), International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), and International Network for Advancing Science Policy (INASP). He was the Programme Director of VakaYiko Consortium Ghana, a three and half year DfID funded BCURE programme and spearheaded the training of civil servants and parliamentary staff on EIPM.
He has also coordinated and facilitated INASP funded projects by providing capacity building for policy makers, research scientist, parliamentary staff and media. He has experience in delivering capacity building programmes in information technology, research communication and evidence-informed policy making.
He also served as a focal person for IICD in Ghana and has coordinated several programmes and workshops including International cross country learning event for IICD and as a project manager implemented a two year IDRC project in the Central region of Ghana.
He holds Executive MBA GIMPA Ghana; B. Ed (Psychology) UCC Ghana; Diploma in Religion UCC Ghana; and Certificate in NGO Management GIMPA Ghana