Journalists Undergo Gender Equality Training

The African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA) and the African Parliamentary Press Network (APPN) has organised a gender equality training for the parliamentary press corps. The event was held under the auspices of the Global Affairs Canada-funded Inclusive Legislatures for Gender Responsive Policies (ILGRP), implemented in partnership with the Parliamentary Centre for Canada.

National Parliamentary Advisor and Team Manager (ILGRP), Dr. Gifty Adika, highlighted that gender equality awareness session and training seek to boost the gender sensitivity of civil society organizations and the media, equipping them with the skills needed to advocate for gender-responsive legislation. She emphasized that such awareness sessions can create a supportive environment for discussing sensitive gender-related topics like violence, discrimination, and harassment, enabling media practitioners to report on these issues sensitively and responsibly.

Speaking on the topic ‘Understanding Key Gender Concepts’, Gender and Influencing Specialist, Plan International Ghana, Esenam Ahiadorme, discussed the deeply rooted gender roles and norms in society, underlining the progress made in promoting gender equality through legislation and policies while acknowledging the challenges and disparities that persist. “Ghana has made significant progress in increasing women’s representation in leadership positions, but women are still underrepresented in Parliament, business, and other decision-making roles.

“Looking at this year’s election, it has been predicted that a lot more women will lose their seats as members of parliament which will negatively affect effort made by government and CSOs in championing women’s participation in politics” she said. Ms. Ahiadorme said by addressing systemic barriers and promoting inclusive practices, the country can make progress towards a more equitable and just society for all genders.


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