Dr. Anthony Tsekpo is an experienced economist dedicated to improving efficiency and cost effectiveness in the management of public sector resources. He has given expression to his vision by devoting his energies to building the capacities of lawmakers responsible for oversight of the public purse and legislative staffers across Africa and beyond in the past 17 years.

He has considerable experience teaching and researching public sector financial management and governance issues.  He is very skilled in conducting needs assessments, baseline studies and project and activity formulation for parliaments in the area of public financial management; training delivery for parliamentarians; facilitating exchange of experience between African parliaments; analysis of national budgets; and comparative research on budget processes in African countries.

He has previously worked as a research fellow and a lecturer in Project Appraisal at the Institute of Statistical Social and Economic Research, University of Ghana – Legon as well as served as a Senior Budget Expert at the Parliamentary Centre, Accra, Ghana. At the Parliamentary Centre, Dr. Tsekpo managed and led the implementation of Projects funded by DFID, USAID and DFATD to support the Parliament of Ghana and other African Parliaments in Public Financial Management.

Since 2014, he has worked on an EU funded Parliamentary Support Project in Zambia where he was responsible for the design and establishment of the Parliamentary Budget Office at the National Assembly of Zambia (2014-2018). He is currently leading the parliamentary component of the EU funded Enhancing Participatory Democracy in Namibia Programme with a focus on strengthening Parliament and Civil Society collaboration towards effective oversight of public policies and programmes.

Dr. Tsekpo holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Bradford.”