Journalists Undergo Gender Equality Training

The African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA) and the African Parliamentary Press Network (APPN) has organised a gender equality training for the parliamentary press corps. The event was held under the auspices of the Global Affairs Canada-funded Inclusive Legislatures for Gender Responsive Policies (ILGRP), implemented in partnership with the Parliamentary Centre for Canada. National Parliamentary Advisor and […]

ACEPA represents at this year’s International Religious Freedom Summit.

Our Executive Director Dr. Rasheed Draman represented the African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA) at this year’s International Religious Freedom (IRF) Summit that took place in Washington DC, which started on the 30th of January and ended on the 31st of January. Recognizing the fact that the issue of international religious freedom touches every culture, nation, religion,[…]

ACEPA Director condemns vote-buying in NPP primaries

The Executive Director of the African Center for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA), Dr. Rasheed Draman, has bemoaned prevalence of vote-buying in the just ended parliamentary primaries of the New Patriotic Party (NPP). He said these inducements have led to the exit of capable legislators in Parliament which potentially hinder the functioning of the parliamentary process. In an interview[…]

ACEPA Director condemns vote-buying in NPP primaries

Dr. Rasheed Draman, the Executive Director of the African Center for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA), has voiced profound disappointment regarding the prevalence of vote-buying observed during the just-ended New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) parliamentary primaries. He emphasized that these incentives have resulted in the departure of proficient legislators, potentially impeding parliamentary proceedings. In an interview with Citi News, Dr.[…]



Data for Accountability: Reflections from 2023

The Data for Accountability Project’s (DAP II) work with the Parliament of Ghana to use data to monitor the country’s progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) continued apace in 2023. The relationship between GSS and Parliament has gone from strength to strength, and we have seen examples of MPs using the skills they have learnt through[…]



National Seminar On Freedom Of Religion Or Belief In Sierra Leone

As part of efforts to raise the visibility of the Sierra Leone Parliamentary caucus on Freedom  Religion or Belief (FoRB) and foster regular engagements between caucus members and the Sierra Leonean public, the African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA) and its partners in collaboration with the Sierra Leonean Parliamentary Caucus, organized a one-day seminar on the theme:[…]



ACEPA Attends the Speaker’s Breakfast Forum.

The Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Alban Bagbin organized the “Speaker’s Breakfast Forum” in collaboration with STAR Ghana Foundation to celebrate their 5th anniversary. At the event, our Executive Director, Dr. Rasheed Draman who was also the distinguished guest speaker, shared insightful perspectives on the involvement of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the work of the Parliament[…]